Ferro Frit Comparison

Ferro Frits are the most common frits used in glazes at cone 6. There are four easily obtainable frits and they all have useful chemical properties for uses in glaze. There are other companies that produce frits and Ferro also makes frits with other chemical profiles, but these frits are relatively hard to come by, especially in smaller quantities.

Boron Frits

3134: High boron and zero alumina

Ferro Frit 3134 is the frit I use the most of. I don't think a cone 6 glaze should use any other frit unless it has an atypical chemistry.

3134 has high boron and high flux. This lets you minimize the feldspar content and maximize the clay content, which makes a better dipping glaze (better suspension and thixiotropy).


I personally don't find this frit very useful at cone 6. It doesn't provide as much boron as 3134 or 3195. It also has a decent amount of alumina, which means less alumina from clay, which in turn leads to worse application properties.

3195: High boron and high alumina

Ferro Frit 3195 is like 3134 but has significantly more alumina at the cost of some alkali and alkali earth fluxes. Useful if your glaze has too much clay (more than 25%) and you don't want to calcine any of it.

3110: Low Boron Frit

Ferro Frit 3110 is not particularly useful at cone 6. It has very low boron, so its chemistry is best for replacing feldspar (and some whiting / wollastonite) at cone 10 where no boron is needed. Typically boron frits also supply enough alkali and alkali earth fluxes at cone 6, so the rest of the glaze can be made with feldspar instead of FF 3110.

Specialty Frits

These frits are harder to come by, but have unusual chemical makeups. If you are making a glaze with an unusual chemistry, these frits may come in handy.

3269: Low Alkali Earth Flux

Ferro Frit 3269 provides boron, but has almost no alkali earth flux.

Joe Thompson has created base glazes with no calcium at cone 6 with this glaze, which is interesting for its color interactions with metals like copper.

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