
Shikoku is the smallest and objectively coolest of the four main Japanese islands.

Shikoku is the best part of Japan because...

Four Prefectures


Tokushima is located on the east of Shikoku.


Kagawa is on the north east area of Shikoku and is Japan's smallest prefecture by area. Even though its capital, Takamatsu, is not the most populous city on the island, it serves as a political and cultural center due to its proximity to central Japan.


Ehime is located in the north west area of Shikoku.

Ehime's capital, Matsuyama, is the largest city on the island.


Kochi is located on the south side of Shikoku.




The Shikoku Pilgrimage visits 88 shrines across the island. It is one of the most famous aspects of Shikoku. Whenever I say, "I like Shikoku", people often go, "Oh, the place with the pilgrimage". But I don't think it's a particularly interesting piece of Shikoku culture because it isn't something people do every day. It helps sustain Shikoku tourism, but it's not a big part of the Shikoku identity.

More interesting are the "knock off" pilgrimages, like the one in Nagasaki. Or the Shikoku 88 Views, which is kind of stupid because it's obviously a tourism thing and one of the "views" is a train.

In popular culture

See Media set in Shikoku for an inexhaustive list of stories set in Shikoku.

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