Kagawa Prefecture Internet / Video Game Addiction Countermeasure Ordinance

Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer, a native Japanese speaker, or a Japanese lawyer. This is not legal advice and may not be 100% accurate.

The Kagawa-ken Netto Geemu Isonshou Taisaku Jourei is an ordinance ratified and made effective in spring of 2020. It limits the internet and video game usage of minors in Kagawa. The ordinance came into effect on April 1st, 2020.

There is no enforcement or punishment - parents and guardians are encouraged to follow these rules at home. This ordinance is the first of its kind in Japan.

Mitaka Sakumaru posted a video of "Gamer Udon" the day the ordinance came into effect. By making an Udon bowl with RGB lighting, Sakumaru claims to have made a "gaming Kagawa that you can't eat in Udon Prefecture" (whatever that means).

Later that month, The Pokemon Company opened a Slowpoke-themed park in Ayakawa. Internet comedians were quick to joke out that kids can only spend 60 minutes a day at the park.

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