Yuki Yuna is a Hero

Yuki Yuna is a Hero is a multi-media franchise composed of novels and anime.

Yuki Yuna is a series about teenage girls having teenager problems. While each story deals with issues like having difficulty making friends, finding your place in society, getting the recognition you deserve from parents and teachers, overcoming disasters, or forgiving bullies, the writing does so in a cute and lighthearted tone. Fans coined the term Neo Slice of Life to describe how the anime weaves both the highs and the lows of normal life together into a cohesive, meaningful story.

Yuki Yuna is a story about the fall of mankind; the establishment of ritual sacrifice to win protection and favor from the gods; the reincarnation of a god as a human; the plot of the religious elite to use her for their own nefarious purposes; and her voluntary sacrifice and resurrection which saves all of humanity from being forced to live in Shikoku. Amen.

Yuki Yuna is a political commentary on the handling of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and the 2019 Coronavirus Pandemic by the Japanese government. Through very heavy-handed apocalypse metaphors (the book published in 2015 talks of a disaster that happened "three years ago" and the book published in 2021 is about the early days of a global disaster), the books explore whose health and safety is prioritized during disasters. The fictional Taisha that governs Japan is willing to regularly kill its own citizens in order to maintain a (literal) veil of peace and security. Yuki Yuna also criticizes at how every level of society - student clubs; family structures; local, regional, and national governments - are complicit in hiding truth and manipulating members for "the benefit of society".

Yuki Yuna is a moe anime about middle school girls just living out their lives. They spend their days volunteering at the park, learning to cook deserts for each other, and enjoying their hobbies. As Sonoko best put it, "Let's enjoy Kagawa life!"

Watch / Read Order

Like always, watch / read in release order.

The reason the anime watch order is so messed up is because people can't be bothered to read. This watch order tries to match the book + anime order.

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