Comparison of Clays


Kaolin Notes
EP Kaolin Most glazes typically use EPK for glaze suspension.
Tile 6 Kaolin
Helmer Kaolin Use for flashing bodies and slips. Contains some coarser (~50 mesh) particles.
Grolleg Kaolin Very white, but also more expensive. Does not suspend glazes as well as Tile #6 or EPK.
Optikast Kaolin Very low plasticity. Advertised as a casting slip ingredient.

For glazes,

For clay bodies and slips, use

Ball Clay

Ball Clay Notes
Kentucky OM4 Ball Clay
Bell Dark Ball Clay
Tennessee 10 Ball Clay Lower silica content than most American ball clays, yet still has high plasticity.
## Stoneware Clay
Clay Notes
Goldart Higher plasticity than kaolins, but less than ball clays. Matures at cone 10. Iron speckles.
Hawthorne Bond Contains larger grains (sold in 40 and 50 mesh sizes). Iron speckles.

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